Wednesday, October 13, 2004

The One with the Library Research

I had a pretty interesting day today. I'm feeling attached to the LAW LIBRARY cause I've finally figured out how some of it works. That's good considering I'll be back tomorrow for an encore performance when I'm going to look for relevant cases for my research binder..

Think it's amazing why they have so many books in the library. I mean. I probably won't touch Indian Legal Reports in my 4 years here. (Plus they kinda have a funny indian smell) And I certainly won't be reading 1888 English Law Reports either. Are these books really necessary? Did I spell that correctly?

Been talking to Grace abit. Hmm. Maybe I should cut down on all the fucks. I mean. Though nobody gives a fuck what the fuck I say on this blog. It's still not nice if they come across the blog and see all the cuss words that I've used here. I guess I need a fucking disclaimer here. I am not so fucking vulgar in real life. As said. A blog is for one to vent out frustrations. And in whatever fucked up language one chooses. At least I don't say alot of fuck in real life. Which is good. I'm good. Usually. And I kinda picked up all the fucks from this book my brother gave me a while back. The gist of the book was how to add the word fuck into basically any sentence. Kinda interesting. But I forgot the title. Lemme give an example.

That was a cool performance wern jhien. You guys rock!

Can be fuck-tified to become:

That was a fucking cool performance wen jhien. Fuck. You guys fucking rock!

Yeah. Something like that. Ok. From next post on I shall cut down on the words. Make my little blog more family orientated.

I'm quite amazed in my chat with Eunice that her parents like to put her down too. I mean she's gorgeous and yet her mum actually said "eunice, you're quite pretty. If you change your face and body" well. I wouldn't mind if my mum puts me down on how I look.. i'm sloppy enough and I know it. But I was pretty stressed when they commented on my studies. It made me think that university was the only fucking thing worth living for. (Oops I did it again) That was after they made me think secondary school and junior college were the single most important things in my life.. respective stages anyway. Since I am now staying in hall. I've come to have the great satisfaction of not having to listen to their nagging. But they do that to me anyway on Sundays. Damn.

Maybe now that I've branched out from my brother's shadow, things might actually look up for me. On a lighter note, I've since applied for some committees after missing out on a whole bunch of them the first time round:

Welfare Committee
Recreation Committee
Archives Committee

and waiting DESPERATELY for Hall Annual Magazine Committee to open up their Sub-Editor position. If I don't get in all, I can kiss KR goodbye! (Or I can run for other dumb committees. Dammit.)

Then there's also Law Matric Week Camp which I was too slow to respond. And hence. No position. Oh well. OGL lor.

I really need to go sleep now. There's more research to be done tomorrow. Argh.

And torts.

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