Tuesday, September 30, 2008

30th September 2008 [032155]

Although the newspaper was flooded with groundbreaking news like who didn't turn up at the F1 party at Amberlounge, the 700 billion dollar rescue package didn't go through, the duxton was oversubscribed 3x over, Cadbury featuring ads to say its products are safe despite the AVA issuing directives to recall Cadbury products, nothing was more shocking than the news of JBJ's passing which I heard on the radio.

Granted, he is old and doesn't have as many resources as other old men his age that can afford to prolong their lives, but after reading all about him and meeting him in person so many years ago, I did feel affected to the extent that I immediately sms'd a few people that I think would care to know about his passing.

It is true that many shunned him whilst he promoted the hammer and his books in public. I am quite sure that as many were probably intrigued and would not actually mind hearing what he had to say as he was undoubtedly more coherent then some other fellow opposition member(s). There is a distinction between a lawyer and a doctor ya. I recall a day years ago when I was at city hall and I actually went up to him to get two copies of his latest book from him. It's really sad that here is a man trying to do what he thought was best for his country through the "official channels" and yet having them laugh and scoff at him. He loved Singapore, but Singapore mocked him. Sounds familiar?

The media has been generally kinder to him than they have been to other opposition members primarily because he makes more sense than them, as does CST. But even so, the article on straitstimes.com has been changed over the course of the day from a rude editorial in the morning to something a little better by the evening. Now that's a tad unfair isn't it? That suggests changes done (probably over flaming in the ST forums) over the course of the day. Somebody's gonna get it from the online community. I think if one googles hard enough, he/she may still be able to find the morning article. Hmmm.

I find that we take it for granted that there would be coherent opposition members around to act as a check and balance in Parliament. This cannot be more wrong. Although I do not advocate blindly throwing weight behind any opposition group, nor that the government should recognize more opposition groups, I do hope that the people and the government can actually recognize good opposition leaders/members and give them credit where credit is due. This goes for the media as well.

It is hard to write something personal to a man one barely knows personally. But I do want to say that it is a damn shame that he was taken so prematurely (82 is still young compared to some oldies that are like 90s and clinging on to their life for the sake of pissing off their relatives). Perhaps JBJ will become stronger in death, as do some of the world's greatest artists. It is a shame that we do not realize how much he has achieved until we have lost him. I did notice however that upon his passing, more people are realizing how important he actually was to Singapore. Here's to the thought that even though he may never see it, his dreams for Singapore will materialize one day.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Before I get old, senile and forget things, here are some eateries Master and Mistress Cow (doesn't sound very non-naughty-ish) will be gracing soon.

Jerry's Grill @ Club Street
Clarity Cafe @ Beach Road
Tampopo @ Liang Court
Boomerang @ Robertson Quay
1925 @ lunch

Any other suggestions?


Does it really get better?

Stop nodding at me you stupid little bobbleheads.

Still nodding.

Sometimes I wish there's a place we can call home.

Without the stupid little bobbleheads.

But will that really help?
