Friday, February 11, 2005

You know you're really sick when...

1) You're unable to go visiting on CNY or any of the days because you can't get out of bed and crawling to the car is not an option.

2) Your vision goes blurry and you start seeing psychedelic colors in your living room without a disco ball.

3) You feel high as though you're floating around your house without needing to administer drugs.

4) Your pee burns despite all the water intake.

5) You have periods of cold sweat and hot sweat.

6) You simply cannot stand a cold shower.

7) You joints feel like an 80 year old's.

8) You don't recognise who your friends are over the phone (Sorry April!).

9) Your temperature fluncuates between 38.8, 37, 37.9, 36.1 and 39.7 (My personal record was 40.1 which kinda made me stupid...)

10) Your balls shrink. Oh yes. Burning. Ouch. Ugh.

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