Monday, April 18, 2005

I have nothing against Indians

I do however have a thing against people in the most generic sense, making an obscene amount of noise late at night around my block. It does not help that people like to congregate at my neighbour's room or stay over and make so much noise that I end up waking up from my perfectly lovely sleep. Don't these people roaming around in the blackness of the night have any decent manners?

I do not like to be woken up by noise. I do not mind waking up to the fire alarm bell if there was a real fire. But definately not to unwarranted noise. Nor fire drills. (Luckily my room next semester no longer faces the dining hall...)

Therefore, I humbly submit in advance that the next time I am disturbed as such, I will spare no profanity and will not hesitate to lodge a complain against them to the Rf.

Oh yes Public Nuisance, I've got a hold on you.

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