Thursday, October 23, 2008

Stupid People

Half my extended family is _______ . I'm sure most of you that know me know which half (although the other half are almost as equally melodramatic as they are ________ ). I'm not criticizing them, but more so of commenting on their _______ manner in which they handle things. One case happened years ago, another, just yesterday.

#1) Years ago, my mum repeatedly got a phone call from my grandfather asking for my dad. He was obviously at work and when asked what the matter was, he just kept saying never mind and put down the phone. Many many times. Much much later, my mum managed to contact my dad it turned out that my grandma had a stroke but they didn't know what to do. When told to call an ambulance, they decided to wait until xiaomei was home before calling. So about 12 hours after the incident after xiaomei came home, they called for the ambulance and well, it was confirmed that it was as stroke. Apparently though, the first few hours after the attack is the most important as chemicals/medicines can be injected to ease the damage caused by the stroke and help the patient towards an almost full recovery. But no. They chose to not tell anyone outside of the 'family' (anyone without DIRECT blood relation) so not even my mum whom would have told them to call for an ambulance immediately and the old fart may still be walking around today screaming her head off and reigning the household. That's one ridiculous incident.

#2) Yesterday, I got a call from my uncle multiple times looking for my dad. From 2 different numbers. I kept asking him what it was regarding and whether I could leave a message for my dad and he kept saying no, it's nothing. Never mind. Having decided that whatever went on in that side of the family had dipshit to do with me anymore after I tried to tell my dad what they were doing (withholding information from us when we could obviously help) was wrong and got reprimanded for it, I didn't even care whether anything was really wrong. But apparently as usual there was something wrong. It turns out that my aunt had contracted breast cancer and well, I simply wasn't 'family' enough for this information. So fine. Even when my dad came back at night, I told him my uncle was looking for him, and knowing my dad, he can't be bothered to call back unless he knows HOW important it is. So today my uncle keeps calling back and looking for my dad and my mum picks up. After the second time he called, he finally relented and told my mum about my aunt's condition. I guess maybe because my mum knew my aunt personally or that maybe she was more adult than me, but IF he had told me that yesterday, my dad would have gotten the news last night and he would have definitely called back. Not that it's any help though. The operation is today. Apparently they saw a small dot on the mammogram and then they went in to take a sample. By bursting the cell to take the sample, the cancer immediately spread within the few days and now have to cut both breasts. Whereas my mum's colleague last time got small dot, the doc advise her to go radiation and kill the dot without disturbing it and she has no problems after that. Maybe they should have asked for a second opinion or consulted relatives (considering we have how many cancer relatives) on this matter before acting. Sigh.

I honestly didn't know that such an arcane way of thinking can still exist.

1 comment:

cinewhore said...

Considering that the uncle in question actually has a university degree, and another stupid aunt has a masters - yes, they are incredibly fucking stupid when it comes to the practical stuff. Must run in the family.