Saturday, November 19, 2005

200th Post

I'd have wanted my 200th post to be something substantial. Something interesting. Instead it's gonna be a bloody complaint. Apparently my neighbour thinks my music's abit too loud. It doesn't really matter to him that he likes to blast his fucking base THOOMP THOOMP THOOMP when he's NOT in his room. It doesn't matter that he leaves his alarm clock on with its infernal (china-esque) double-belled ring on when he's IN THE LOO. It doesn't matter that he slams his door shut as and when he comes out of his room like nobody's fucking business (BAM BAM BAM!). It doesn't matter that his dad is as an obnoxious prick as him by trying to squeeze past my dad when clearly there is no fucking space through the gate for two (Like father like fucking son). So what if you're somebody at Biz? Balls to you. I download Bon Jovi's 'Have a Nice Day' and turn it on moderately louder than usual (eh come on la, I DON'T BLAST MY MUSIC. PERIOD - Compare speakers la, mine so small...) and he comes knocking on my door. The general consensus of the block is that he's a prick. OOo yeah. Prick indeed.

I hope you die a slow painful death.


(Coming up next, weird exam dreams... involving indians, tekka mall, cats and Kentucky Fried Chicken Little)

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