It's the exam period again and as usual, I fall ill. Horribly ill. This time it was a one week bout of fever that never dropped below 38 degrees UNTIL I took antibiotics. That said, I had alot of time in bed to myself. Naturally, I went surfing.
Surf surf surf.
Guess what. I decided to buy the missus new shoes. The last time I got her nice new branded shoes were like... in 2006. Long overdue for new shoes she is, considering even her local Charles and Keith was drenched by the HDB floor washing ah neh and the heel was also 'torn' to reveal that the wooden heel was in fact, a sticker and that the heel was in fact, plastic. Shame on you Charles and Keith.
So I went online and checked out good deals. It was a actually okay, because I picked out 5 pairs relatively fast. But then the chore came in asking her to vet. When I asked her to vet 'was this okay', it turned out to be a 'let me choose' thingy. And of my initial 5 pairs that I chose, I think only 1 pair made it. Oh wait. 2 pairs made it.
But that took me 3 days.
After that, I was hit buy a DVD buying spree. And ended up with... Smallville seasons 4, 5, Eureka season 1, Dresdan Files season 1, 300 and a host of other shit for a cool price.
That took me 2 days.
Finally, I made my last purchase today (the last day of my illness) and it was the Halo 3 Legendary Edition complete with Spartan helmet. Thanks to Jack whom is sharing the set with me, I get to keep my Master Chief helmet for 2/3 the price of the set. Is that cool or what.
I think due to this bout of fever, I've spent $500 plus. But advanced 0% in my paper on friday.