Friday, November 24, 2006

Amazon is a big waste of time

Some of you may know about the $100 Xbox 360 deal over at Amazon. Well. They're supposed to sell 1000 units at $100 come thursday 11am PST. which makes out to be friday 3am Singapore time. Come 2:45am I was online at the page refreshing. 2:54 I refreshed and the bloody thing hung. I checked out my yahoo mail. It was fine. Must be the traffic on the amazon site. Couldn't get any page to load at all. 3am came and went. 3:15am, i was greeted with this finally:

So they managed to sell 1000 units in 15mins. How the hell did the 1000 people log on when i'm unable to even refresh the page? Abit absurd. I hope next week's one's better. Diamond earrings srp $1kplus usd. now $350.

OoooOoo.. I should really be studying.

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