Friday, February 25, 2005

Plug for movie UNJUSTIFIED!

Before the ST Online ceases to be free, I surfed over to the forums section and went through the silly letters that some people bothered to send in. Imagine my shock when I found this:


Plug for movie justified

WITH regard to Mr Henry Lim's letter, 'Why plug movie?' (ST, Feb 23), I do not see anything wrong with the two government ministers endorsing the movie I Do, I Do in a television commercial.

A great deal of good work has been produced by local movie makers. Countries in the region are showing a greater interest.

Support and encouragement from government leaders will give impetus to the industry.

Jeffrey Law Lee Beng


Feeling quite amazed that there was another anti-Jack-Neo Singaporean in Singapore (other than those with the same surname as me) I gleefully did a search for the offending (to him) letter...



I AM surprised that two government ministers lent their support in a TV commercial to Jack Neo's movie I Do, I Do. Is this appropriate?

Henry Lim Li Shun


Kinda short. I was hoping for some friendly Jack Neo bashing. But I guess they can't really do that since he's endorsed by the government right? Ummm. I guess it's lucky for me that I don't watch television these days, I'd have been really pissed by the supposed plugging. Ah well. I shouldn't really waste time typing more reasons why the movie shouldn't be plugged, OR even released in the first place... you can just scroll below for that~

I just wanna comment that if countries are showing interest BECAUSE of Jack Neo, I think we can kiss the Singapore movie industry goodbye.

Oh... I still refuse to pay $15 for reading the ST forums.

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