Friday, October 29, 2004

The One with the Interesting Post

I found this pretty interesting post from claudine's blog at


Wednesday, October 20, 2004

"procrastination is like masturbating. its cool until you realise you're fucking yourself!"

posted by claud @ 11:42 PM


Keep in touch Claud!

The One with the Talentime

Officially, I have seen the worst the world has got to offer me today, and it was C Block's excuse of a skit for talentime. The most recent shitty performance I saw prior was the TWINS EFFECT 2. It was just wrong. Atrocious. Words cannot express the nervous shock I got from wasting $8.50 for watching such a disgusting show. C Block managed to achieve the impossible. They managed to intrude my senses despite me keeping my eyes closed and basically stomped on my brain and threw it out the door. It was such a painful watch. Transition was bad. Setting up of scenes took quadraple the time the length of the actual scene itself.. and the lead actor was so stone that he would actually make Benedict Goh blush. I have nothing else to say. It gave me a headache just sitting through the entire length of the skit. I had hoped that there would actually be redemption as I saw Nick involved in it quite a few days prior, but well .. no go. I've still got the headache now. And the block meeting didn't help. Argh.

I think I need to learn how to play the guitar soon.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

The One with the Overrated Director

"Patrick Khoo aka Careless Whisper, a nickname he received for quietly mouthing the lyrics to the Wham! classic during the Singapore Idol auditions, is the subject of Royston Tan's next short film. And yes, he will sing in the movie.

The two short films will premiere next year in Chicago at 0104, a Royston Tan retrospective show that will go to London and Tokyo before coming to Singapore. The show is curated by Tan and represents his short films from 2001 to 2004, hence the title."

I don't know about the general public in Singapore. But am I the only one that thinks Director Royston Tan is overrated?


Sons (1999)
Runtime: Hong Kong:11 min (Hong Kong International Film Festival)
Language: Hokkien

Hock Hiap Leong (2001)
Runtime: 7 min

Mother (2001)
Runtime: USA:6 min
Language: Mandarin

24 Hours (2002/I)
Runtime: USA:2 min
Language: English

'15' (2002)
Runtime: 25 min
Color: Color

15 (2003)
Runtime: Singapore:90 min
Language: Hokkien / Mandarin
Certification: Singapore:(Banned) (original rating) / Singapore:R(A) (edited for re-rating)


Let's see, if they were to showcase his short films on his so-called tour, it'll probably last a total of 26 minutes without the two '15's. That's a little short. Unless IMDB is wrong, we're really barking up the wrong tree by showcasing him as a talented local director alongside Eric Khoo. Methinks Tan doesn't even come close.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that this guy can't direct and hasn't produced anything film worthy. I'm judging him (Yeah I know it's wrong to judge. But then again, I did pay premium to watch 15 at the SFF) based on what I've seen him do, and what's he's fucked up. If anyone begs to differ, do let me know.

I must specify too that I've NOT watched some of his shorts, namely: 24 Hours (2002/I), Mother (2001), Hock hiap leong (2001) and Sons (1999) basically because I didn't get a chance to do so. Now on with the crtiq.

I did manage to download a copy of his initial short of 15 from Kazaa a few years back. It was one of those interesting pieces that you get to know by word of mouth. I remember that I liked it. Liked it alot and even converted it to VCD to pass around to my friends. Sometimes you find a gem, you just want to share it. So obviously I was ecstatic when I heard they were making an 'extended' version to be screened in its full uncensored glory during the SFF.

Unfortunately, Tan's creativity was severly affected by the prospect of having a load of cash to blow on his extension of 15. I guess it's one of those cases where there's limited or no budget, you tend to be more concise and film what is necessary and relevant as opposed to being able to play around and basically fuck up your plot.

The first film had quite beautiful visuals. Really. The second was just wrong. One expects an extended edition to be something like what we can catch on DVD. Ya know, like the LORD OF THE RINGS EXTENDED EDITION with 45 minutes more footage. Cuts that were left on the floor were like integrated into the show and hence made the film more relevant, e.g. Frodo getting the Evenstar from Arywen. But nope. He had the brilliant idea of.. 'why don't I attach about an hour of totally new film AFTER my initial short film and count it as a full blown 90 minute movie?'

Seriously, I don't know if that's called lazy or was there any actual reason behind the addition. Why not just leave the first '15' as it was? 25 minutes of beautiful film and not horribly disfiguring it with the 'higher-budget' but fucked up poor excuse for a film extension which was 15 (2003).

Maybe Tan has stooped to the level of Jack Neo and has resorted to making poor tasteless films. Perhaps the only redeemable aspect of Jack Neo's film career was Home Run. But even that was a poor remake of an originally brilliant film and the biggest factor was his overexcessive peppering of local issues in it. Unfortunately the poor denizens of Singapore have an almost zero appreciation for real film and embraced his integration of local material in Home Run as brilliant. Well. Fuck them. But I digress. I believe that Tan just suffered from having little or no ideas on how to extend his initial 15. It could have been very well done. Given what we've seen in the first 25 minutes. But an extension was really unecessary. Why not just make a separate film? (Actually I felt that the main reason it didn't work was because it felt really different and the transition was bad between the short and the hour long addition. And also the reason that the second part sucked.)

I'm always one for Dick jokes. I loved the episode in the hilarious british comedy THE UPRIGHT CITIZENS BRIGADE where they basically made the entire episode a giant dick joke. Really. It was funny. Tasteless but funny. Somehow, I don't see how relevant the measuring of a dick and well showing a giant dick on a full sized movie screen can be considered film art. I mean. Yeah, that's about as huge as a dick joke can go. But was it necessary? Perhaps it was homage to Fight Club. Perhaps he was just into gay porn. I dunno. But I felt it was wrong. Don't put something into a film just for the sake of being able to do it. What does it show? What does it prove? You're just fucking up your movie. (Case in point, Pikachu in a supposed horror movie which ended up as a comedy) Ya wanna show male bonding, go masturbate on a swimming pool diving board (Yu Tu Ma Ma Thumbien) for god's sake. Disturbing jarring images do not make good film if there is no reason behind it.

I guess the main downfall of Tan's film was the relevance of his images. We've seen people go for piercings on film before. Is it necessary to actually film it in all its gory? If you're using gore to woo people to watch your film, then do it a la Battle Royale. Was the piercing for realism? Go film reality TV instead. Forcing your actors to swallow condoms with pills is a little over-excessive. Sure, you've got the reason of realism. To show what these people are going through. But is it necessary? Can not simulation do the trick? Maybe that's because they're actually not good actors. Hence having to go through the real stuff. Ha.

Finally, his extension suffered too from its lack of direction. Transition from the first 25 minutes to the next 60 minutes was pretty bad. I don't feel for the characters much and I don't feel compelled to feel for them. I didn't even feel a thing when the kid self-mutilated himself. That shows how detaching the last 60 minutes was.

Maybe I'm sounding too superficial by focusing on the visual aspects of the film. But that's recollecting my thoughts after viewing the film last year. It was so forgettable script wise that I can't remember anything except the giant dick and the physical torturing scenes (Was that the point?). If anybody wishes to forward me their write up of what they think of Tan's films and/or post their comments, it'll be great.

Anyway. That was about 15. Realising his 'potential' after '15' (Due to much media hype and publicity), I recall they pulled him in to do some commerical or ad shooting for.. something. Something which involved people dancing around onscreen. It was supposed to be comedic. But really. It was low taste. Now we're treated with the new material he's gonna use for his next shorts. Singapore Idol rejects. One comes to think how good he really is at spotting material and actually playing around it it. His decisions and films really reflect his mentality. In this case, does it show that he's stooped to an all time low? (Was he ever high?) Has fame gone to his head?

Or have his 15 minutes just come to an end?

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

The One with Von Dutch

What you kids don't know about the racist alcoholic genius behind Von Dutch.

Yeah. You heard me right. Racist. Even those who admire Von Dutch don't call him a nice guy. No, they use words like bitter, racist and violent. They describe someone who was jaded young and spent much of his life hiding from the world. His name was a reflection of that, the very symbol of his obstinacy, anger and distrust of the world.

So is it ironic or just cruel that his name wound up co-opted by what one calls the booboisie, stitched onto hats and baby doll T-shirts worn by an army of pretty girls like Britney Spears, Gwen Stefani and Ashton Kutcher? Is Von Dutch doomed, as one admirer put it, "to be forever remembered for his name in 4-inch letters on someone's ass"? I believe so. Nobody really knew who he was here in Singapore. Right April?

"He was quite a racist; didn't like anybody. He had all the trappings of being a neo-Nazi. He could not tolerate black people," were just some of the comments his friends had of him.

In one 1965 painting, Dutch faded in the words "Fuck You," visible if you look long enough.

Girls, wearing his name over your chest is pretty much the equivalent of wearing a white robe and proclaiming that you're from the Klu Klux Klan. Hope you're all proud of yourselves now.

Now go burn some shirts.

The One with the TOSHIBA TV

Many things have happened over the past week. But I believe the drowning of my ibook pales in comparison to this:

An Oregon man discovered earlier this month that his year-old Toshiba flat-screen TV was emitting an international distress signal picked up by a satellite, leading a search and rescue operation to his apartment in Corvallis, Oregon, 110km south of Portland.

"They'd never seen signal come that strong from a home appliance," said van Rossmann. "They were quite surprised. I think we all were."

Toshiba contacted Rossmann and offered to provide him with a replacement set for free, he said.

I guess this staples my impression of the Toshiba brand.

By the way, I'm using a Toshiba laptop now.

Ho Hum.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

The One with the $5

Again I found myself back in the library. But it was more interesting this time around. Dunno whether I'll have the opposition members browsing my blog (as if I'm so popular) but if so, I dare not reveal too much into my research folder case and the cases we've pulled up.

Currently, we're doing medical negligence, in that a lady kenna sterilized, still managed to give birth. How much can she claim? That's the gist of it and we had a pretty fruitful research today. Now juz waiting for LAWR tutorial tomorrow!

After I got back, amazingly I managed to finish my TORTS tutorial and could go out to chill out. Wanted to catch a movie but I had to go over to Eusoff for awhile. (Me bad. Must be punished) So after that we went ta have supper at Somerset the stretch there and chilled out at ACID BAR. Very comfy chair.

Ta pau'd Sting Ray for Jo whom is sadly guarding the bazaar stuff. And I withdrew $50 but only got $5 left! Where did my money go to? Damn. So tired. Can't think now.

I have to sleep.


Wednesday, October 13, 2004

The One with the Canteen Lady

I have made some adjustments to my Blog, censoring some juicey details regarding ODP and also some remarks regarding Jo. They were quite insensitive and I didn't even realised I blogged that as I was so tired at the end of the day. Point to note, need to be more sensitive. Sorry Jo.. I feel damn bad.

On to lighter things. Or more interesting matters. There's a bazaar today. Under Central Library. Thought that ComicKART was there. But it was ComicMART. Big difference in price. Sigh.

Anyway. As with the title of today's blog. The Canteen Lady. It was like this, we went over to grab a bite after Contract Lecture. I took a can of Tea and a Cream Puff and placed it on the counter. Alongside this container with plastic spoons. When it was my turn to pay, the Canteen Lady swiped my items to the middle of the counter and knocked out a few of the spoons. Immediately she accused me of taking spoons when I didn't need them. "WHY YOU TAKE SPOON? WHY YOU TAKE SO MANY SPOONS?" I was like.. WTF? I was really boiling inside. Wanted to erupt. Cause the one thing I hate most is for people to accuse me of something I didn't do. But I kept calm and replied "IT DROPPED BY ITSELF" and again she said "WHY YOU TAKE SO MANY SPOONS?" I think this is another valid reason for me not to patronise their stall. Fucking customer service.

Oh well. Just gotta get it out of my system since we're waiting for Jackson's group to start the SLS presentation. Heard that they sabo'd the projector? Truth?

The One with the Library Research

I had a pretty interesting day today. I'm feeling attached to the LAW LIBRARY cause I've finally figured out how some of it works. That's good considering I'll be back tomorrow for an encore performance when I'm going to look for relevant cases for my research binder..

Think it's amazing why they have so many books in the library. I mean. I probably won't touch Indian Legal Reports in my 4 years here. (Plus they kinda have a funny indian smell) And I certainly won't be reading 1888 English Law Reports either. Are these books really necessary? Did I spell that correctly?

Been talking to Grace abit. Hmm. Maybe I should cut down on all the fucks. I mean. Though nobody gives a fuck what the fuck I say on this blog. It's still not nice if they come across the blog and see all the cuss words that I've used here. I guess I need a fucking disclaimer here. I am not so fucking vulgar in real life. As said. A blog is for one to vent out frustrations. And in whatever fucked up language one chooses. At least I don't say alot of fuck in real life. Which is good. I'm good. Usually. And I kinda picked up all the fucks from this book my brother gave me a while back. The gist of the book was how to add the word fuck into basically any sentence. Kinda interesting. But I forgot the title. Lemme give an example.

That was a cool performance wern jhien. You guys rock!

Can be fuck-tified to become:

That was a fucking cool performance wen jhien. Fuck. You guys fucking rock!

Yeah. Something like that. Ok. From next post on I shall cut down on the words. Make my little blog more family orientated.

I'm quite amazed in my chat with Eunice that her parents like to put her down too. I mean she's gorgeous and yet her mum actually said "eunice, you're quite pretty. If you change your face and body" well. I wouldn't mind if my mum puts me down on how I look.. i'm sloppy enough and I know it. But I was pretty stressed when they commented on my studies. It made me think that university was the only fucking thing worth living for. (Oops I did it again) That was after they made me think secondary school and junior college were the single most important things in my life.. respective stages anyway. Since I am now staying in hall. I've come to have the great satisfaction of not having to listen to their nagging. But they do that to me anyway on Sundays. Damn.

Maybe now that I've branched out from my brother's shadow, things might actually look up for me. On a lighter note, I've since applied for some committees after missing out on a whole bunch of them the first time round:

Welfare Committee
Recreation Committee
Archives Committee

and waiting DESPERATELY for Hall Annual Magazine Committee to open up their Sub-Editor position. If I don't get in all, I can kiss KR goodbye! (Or I can run for other dumb committees. Dammit.)

Then there's also Law Matric Week Camp which I was too slow to respond. And hence. No position. Oh well. OGL lor.

I really need to go sleep now. There's more research to be done tomorrow. Argh.

And torts.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

The One with Christopher Reeves

Before I fell asleep last night I was hit with this shocking news..


Superman' Star Christopher Reeve Dies
BEDFORD, N.Y. (AP) - Christopher Reeve, the star of the ``Superman'' movies whose near-fatal riding accident nine years ago turned him into a worldwide advocate for spinal cord research, died Sunday of heart failure, his publicist said. He was 52.

Reeve fell into a coma Saturday after going into cardiac arrest while at his New York home, his publicist, Wesley Combs told The Associated Press by phone from Washington, D.C., on Sunday night. His family was at his side at the time of death.

Reeve was being treated at Northern Westchester Hospital for a pressure wound, a common complication for people living with paralysis. In the past week, the wound had become severely infected, resulting in a serious systemic infection.

``On behalf of my entire family, I want to thank Northern Westchester Hospital for the excellent care they provided to my husband,'' Dana Reeve, Christopher's wife, said in a statement. ``I also want to thank his personal staff of nurses and aides, as well as the millions of fans from around the world who have supported and loved my husband over the years.''

Reeve broke his neck in May 1995 when he was thrown from his horse during an equestrian competition in Culpeper, Va.

Enduring months of therapy to allow him to breathe for longer and longer periods without a respirator, Reeve emerged to lobby Congress for better insurance protection against catastrophic injury and to move an Academy Award audience to tears with a call for more films about social issues.

``Hollywood needs to do more,'' he said in the March 1996 Oscar awards appearance. ``Let's continue to take risks. Let's tackle the issues. In many ways our film community can do it better than anyone else. There is no challenge, artistic or otherwise, that we can't meet.''

He returned to directing, and even returned to acting in a 1998 production of ``Rear Window,'' a modern update of the Hitchcock thriller about a man in a wheelchair who becomes convinced a neighbor has been murdered. Reeve won a Screen Actors Guild award for best actor.

``I was worried that only acting with my voice and my face, I might not be able to communicate effectively enough to tell the story,'' Reeve said. ``But I was surprised to find that if I really concentrated, and just let the thoughts happen, that they would read on my face. With so many close-ups, I knew that my every thought would count.''

In 2000, Reeve was able to move his index finger, and a specialized workout regimen made his legs and arms stronger. He also regained sensation in other parts of his body. He had vowed to walk again.

``I refuse to allow a disability to determine how I live my life. I don't mean to be reckless, but setting a goal that seems a bit daunting actually is very helpful toward recovery,'' Reeve said.

Reeve's support of stem cell research helped it emerge as a major campaign issue between President Bush and John Kerry. His name was even mentioned by Kerry earlier this month during the second presidential debate.

His athletic, 6-foot-4-inch frame and love of adventure made him a natural, if largely unknown, choice for the title role in the first ``Superman'' movie in 1978. He insisted on performing his own stunts.

Although he reprised the role three times, Reeve often worried about being typecast as an action hero.

``Look, I've flown, I've become evil, loved, stopped and turned the world backward, I've faced my peers, I've befriended children and small animals and I've rescued cats from trees,'' Reeve told the Los Angeles Times in 1983. ``What else is there left for Superman to do that hasn't been done?''

Though he owed his fame to it, Reeve made a concerted effort to, as he often put it, ``escape the cape.'' He played an embittered, crippled Vietnam veteran in the 1980 Broadway play ``Fifth of July,'' a lovestruck time-traveler in the 1980 movie ``Somewhere in Time,'' and an aspiring playwright in the 1982 suspense thriller ``Deathtrap.''

More recent films included John Carpenter's ``Village of the Damned,'' and the HBO movies ``Above Suspicion'' and ``In the Gloaming,'' which he directed. Among his other film credits are ``The Remains of the Day,'' ``The Aviator,'' and ``Morning Glory.''

Reeve was born Sept. 25, 1952, in New York City, son of a novelist and a newspaper reporter. About the age of 10, he made his first stage appearance - in Gilbert and Sullivan's ``The Yeoman of the Guard'' at McCarter Theater in Princeton, N.J.

After graduating from Cornell University in 1974, he landed a part as coldhearted bigamist Ben Harper on the television soap opera ``Love of Life.'' He also performed frequently on stage, winning his first Broadway role as the grandson of a character played by Katharine Hepburn in ``A Matter of Gravity.''

Reeve's first movie role was a minor one in the submarine disaster movie ``Gray Lady Down,'' released in 1978. ``Superman'' soon followed. Reeve was selected for the title role from among about 200 aspirants.

Active in many sports, Reeve owned several horses and competed in equestrian events regularly. Witnesses to the 1995 accident said Reeve's horse had cleared two of 15 fences during the jumping event and stopped abruptly at the third, flinging the actor headlong to the ground. Doctors said he fractured the top two vertebrae in his neck and damaged his spinal cord.

While filming ``Superman'' in London, Reeve met modeling agency co-founder Gae Exton, and the two began a relationship that lasted several years. The couple had two sons, but were never wed.

Reeve later married Dana Morosini; they had one son, Will, 11. Reeve also is survived by his mother, Barbara Johnson; his father, Franklin Reeve; his brother, Benjamin Reeve; and his two children from his relationship with Exton, Matthew, 25, and Alexandra, 21.

No plans for a funeral were immediately announced.

A few months after the accident, he told interviewer Barbara Walters that he considered suicide in the first dark days after he was injured. But he quickly overcame such thoughts when he saw his children.

``I could see how much they needed me and wanted me... and how lucky we all are and that my brain is on straight.''


In the words of Chris Rock "Superman can't walk! Superman can't walk.."

Superman's dead.



Christopher Reeve was born September 25, 1952, in New York City. His mother, Barbara, a journalist, divorced his father, Franklin, a professor and writer, in 1956, and relocated to Princeton, New Jersey, with four-year-old Chris and younger brother Benjamin.

Reeve began appearing in school plays at age eight, and at nine, was chosen to play in the local professional theater's production of Yeoman of the Guard. At 15, he received a summer apprenticeship at the Williamstown Theatre Festival in Massachusetts. Following his graduation from high school, he toured the U.S. in The Irregular Verb to Love, which starred veteran actress Celeste Holm.


Reeve entered Cornell University, majoring in Music Theory and English. He also spent some time studying theater in England and France, and worked at the prestigious Old Vic theater in London and the Comedie Francaise in Paris. He studied under John Houseman at The Juilliard School in New York City, where he was Robin Williams' roommate. To help pay for his education, Reeve got a role on CBS's Love of Life, a daytime soap. In the meantime, he was cast in A Matter of Gravity, a Broadway play starring screen legend Katharine Hepburn. He was forced to quit his final year of study, as his professional career was beginning to take off.

Reeve ventured off to Los Angeles in late 1976 and landed a small role in the submarine adventure flick, Gray Lady Down. He then went back to New York to appear in My Life, an off-Broadway production. During that play's run, he auditioned for the part of Superman, which he won, despite his then skinny physique. To gain muscle for the role, he underwent a strict bodybuilding program supervised by David Prowse, who played Darth Vader in the original series of Star Wars films. Reeve's portrayal of the Man of Steel was more believable than any of his screen or TV predecessors, as a hero with a brain, a heart and a sense of humor.


Superman: The Movie became one of the most successful films of the year following its December 1978 release. Reeve was honored with a BAFTA (British Academy of Film and Television Arts) Award as Most Promising Newcomer for his performance. During the film's 18-month shoot in England, Reeve met Gae Exton, a modeling executive. Their children, Matthew and Alexandra, are the fruits of their 10-year relationship. The couple parted in 1987, retaining joint custody of both children.

Reeve next appeared in Somewhere In Time (1980), a tale of time-travel and romance, co-starring Jane Seymour. He continued performing live, spending the summer of 1980 doing theater in Williamstown, and appearing on Broadway in Fifth of July. Superman II was also released that year.

More movie roles kept him busy throughout the '80s. In 1982, he played Micheal Caine's playwright lover in Deathtrap, and an American priest in Monsignor. He returned to the role that made him famous for Superman III in 1983. He appeared in two period dramas, The Bostonians (1984), a Merchant Ivory production, and a CBS-TV adaptation of Anna Karenina (1985) opposite Jacqueline Bisset.

In 1987, Reeve starred with Oscar nominee Morgan Freeman in Street Smart, and reprised his role as the Man of Steel for Superman IV: The Quest for Peace. That same year, he traveled to Chile to lead a demonstration in support of 77 artists that faced death sentences from the Pinochet regime. In 1988, he received a special OBIE Award, as well as an honor from the Walter Briehl Human Rights Foundation for his courageous crusade to free the artists.

By the early '90s, Reeve's commitment to advocacy work was competing with his professional career. Environmental issues were of particular concern to him. He married actress/singer Dana Morosini in 1992; their son Will was born the same year. Reeve reunited with the Merchant Ivory team for The Remains of the Day (1993), and in a clever bit of casting, the Superman actor fought Batman star Michael Keaton for Geena Davis' affections in Speechless (1994).


In May 1995, Reeve was thrown from his horse during an equestrian event in Virginia. His hands had been tangled in the horse's bridle, and he seriously fractured the upper vertebrae of his spine after landing head first. He was immediately paralyzed from the neck down and unable to breathe. On-site medics saved his life, and after he was rushed to hospital, surgeons literally reattached his head to his spine.

To help increase public awareness about spinal cord injury and raise money for research, Reeve made his first public appearance just four months after his accident, in a 20/20 interview with Barbara Walters. In 1996, he accepted invitations to appear at the Academy Awards, to host the Paralympics in Atlanta, and to speak at the Democratic Convention.

Reeve returned to acting with a role in the made-for-TV movie A Step Toward Tomorrow in 1996. The following year, he made his directorial debut with In The Gloaming, starring friend Glenn Close. The HBO film received five Emmy nominations, and won six CableAce Awards, including Best Dramatic Special and Best Director.

Random House published Reeve's autobiography, Still Me in April 1998. His recording of the book took the Grammy for Best Spoken Word Album in 1999. For his performance in Rear Window (1999), his first major role since becoming paralyzed, Reeve was nominated for a Golden Globe Award, and won the Screen Actors Guild Award for Best Actor in a Television Movie or Miniseries. He also served as executive producer of the film.


Reeve found himself on the frontlines in the debate over stem cell research into various medical conditions. In 2001, he joined scientists in a lawsuit aimed at overturning a U.S. government decision to stop funding the controversial testing. In 2002, Reeve urged President Bush and Catholic church leaders to reassess their opposition to research that might free him and others like him from their wheelchairs.

In May 2002, the Christopher and Dana Reeve Paralysis Resource Center was opened. In September, Reeve announced that he had regained some movement and sensation in his hands and feet. He's now able to move his right wrist, the fingers of his left hand, and his feet, and can breathe without the aid of his ventilator for 90 minutes at a time.

Nothing Is Impossible: Reflections on a New Life, his second book, was released in September 2002, in time for his 50th birthday. Reeve ended 2002 and began 2003 by helping lead the New Year's Eve countdown in Times Square along with his wife, Dana, and New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg.

In February 2003, Reeve can add a guest-starring role as scientist Dr. Swann in an episode of the WB's Smallville, wherein the silver screen's Man of Steel offers TV's young Clark Kent "revelatory insight into his superhero destiny." Having played the superhero four times already, Reeve certainly has the qualifications for the part, which may turn into a recurring role for the actor.


More readings of Reeves available online. It's quite a pity. Will be rushing for contract and SLS now. Library research later. Whee. So happening.


Monday, October 11, 2004

The One with the Ladykillers

It was a fast Contract Lecture morning followed by an equally fast LAWR lesson. Makes me realise that I am sorely needing to finish reading my case file. Shit.

Immediately after the LAWR tutorial, we rushed off to orchard for a movie. Bought tickets for The Ladykillers at 3:15pm and had lunch (a pathetic ham steak) at Cafe Cartel. Basically sat there until almost 3pm. Super sleepy. The show was nothing like the trailer. Which is fine. I trust the Coen brothers. And it's true. They're sick. But I was worried that Grace and Eunice might not have liked the film. Hmm. I guess here are some points I have for the film.

The tagline for the movie was:
The greatest criminal minds of all time have finally met their match.
I believe it should be:
Crime doesn't pay. Praise the Lord.

It's true that this film flops on the fact that Tom Hanks is too heavy weight and that some of the actors are just plain bad. Another pet peeve I have for the film is its predominantly black extras cast.


Some trivia:

This is the first Coen brothers film where Joel Coen and Ethan Coen are both given directing and producing credits. They have shared these duties on all of their films, but Joel has always been listed as the director, and Ethan as producer.

Cameo( Bruce Campbell): at the dog food commercial shoot.

Irma says throughout the film that she donates monthly to Bob Jones university, citing it as a "good Bible College." Viewers unfamiliar with the college may not understand the reference that Jones is a radical right-wing institution that banned black students up until the 1970s, and up until 2000 did not allow interracial couples to openly date while attending classes.

When the group is debating various methods methods to kill Mrs. Munson, Professor Dorr suggests shackling her in an earthen recess in the wall and enclosing it with the leftover bricks and mortar they have available. This is a reference to "A Cask of Amontillado" by Edgar Allan Poe, whom Dorr cites frequently throughout the film.

The first piece of music that Dorr's band pretends to play is Boccherini's minuetto: it was the same piece of music that was played by Dorr's band in the original Ladykillers, The (1955).

Prior to filming, Tom Hanks had not seen Ladykillers, The (1955) as he did not want it to prejudice the way he acted in the remake.


A review from the IMDB website which to a certain extent I agree with:
tedg (
Virginia Beach
Summary: A Glorious Failure

I really appreciate artists willing to push the envelope. They're not pushing if they don't fail at least a third of the time. This is a failure, but an interesting, glorious one and in its way is more interesting to watch than, say, `O Brother.' You know something worth knowing is up when the most nuanced actor in a high level project like this is a painting.

These guys are cinefiles, enthusiasts who examine what they and others do with meticulous detail and grand vision. They reach for a specific tone, different for each project, and then engineer the pieces to support.

What do you think? Was the original vision too ambitious: a takeoff from the Shakespearean actor from Huck Finn? In this case, it is a Coen-like folding: an actor playing an actor playing Twain who writes the riverboat plot using a previously written skeleton (something recently done by PS Hoffman in `Cold Mountain').

Or is it that the vision was as apt an reachable as any they have had, but they erred in the engineering? I think it is this latter. Some of the blame is theirs: they have come to be hypnotized by the power of themed music in their films. Here it is a distraction, saps resources and fails to support the quirky vision. Tbone failed them.

But they were stuck with some bad casting. Once that happens, you're lost. Hanks is such a heaviweight that he forces the vision to bend to what he wants to do as an actor. Big mistake.

The old lady Marva Munson is capable of playing only one sort of character. We've seen her do it in several dreary projects. She just couldn't ever get the joke and really believes she is in an Eddie Murphy movie.

And third, and almost incidentally, we have Wayans. He also knows only one way of swinging.

None of these three was capable of getting on board the twisted vision the brothers had. Dozens of real actors have. But these three are, alas, characters now, not actors.

Still, you can see what they had in mind, and still be amused by it even though it never appears on the screen


Later on came back to hall. Collected books from library and like rushed back for dinner. Saw Jo on the way. Feel bad again. Darn. I'm sleeping early today. Read some Wizard. Then wake up tomorrow early and read my case file. Heh.


The One with the Phasing Vision

It's a Sunday. And I've finally gotten my Phasing Vision! Wahoo. Think I paid about $120 total. But. No more thinking about the price. What matters is I've got him. My life is so complete. Or rather my Marvel Legends 7. My life is far from complete. Sigh.

9am. Rushed out to head off to Haig Court. Gilson's new house. Quite nice. Dropped off his Castle Greyskull and Strawberry Shortcake. HIS STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE. Not mine. His. (and he's 24..) Then we went off to Taka. Grabbed himself an Ice Armour Skeletor and a Hamtaro Angel. HIS HAMTARO ANGEL. Not mine. His. (and he's 24..) Had breakfast a Mac's where I signed up for the ezlink thingy. Apparently I can claim a free meal immediately. Cool. I had the Succulent Beef Burger (I'm just making it up coz I can't remember the name) and then .. I made the mistake of buying the Prawn Fritters. They suck. Waste $.

Headed off to Clark Quay after spending $2.48 on parking (Bloody cutthroats. Next time I will tailgate), 5 min reach liao. Damn fast I am. Met the guy (whom turns out to be working for Rebelbase) and got my grubby little hands on my elusive Phasing Vision. $120 well spent. (My wallet's moaning now) Next called the guy to pass him my Iron Man. But he was late. So... walked around.

Picked up $5 finger puppets for my angel mortal game. Also picked up a $5 letter bear for the angel mortal game again. $10 spent on this. Argh. Walk walk walk. Spawnasia had nothing new. Very tempted to pick up S6 to open. But no. No $. Rebelbase had a giant STIKFAS figure which is DAMN COOL. But no. No $. ignored me. Just as well. Not buying from them again.

Met the guy downstairs and moved off from Clark Quay. Went ta Parkway to pick up Jo. She got me Char Siew Sew.. (Dunno the hanyu ping ying!) Then we went swimming. Up until 3:40pm at Gilson's condo. Then headed to Simei to makan.

Istanbul cusine. MMMmmmm. Followed by Robinson's Expo sale which I grabbed 4 MOTU figures at $8 to open and like a bunch of the cute Marvel Wind up toys. Think they cost me $15. For like. 6. or 8? Can't remember.

Reached home late. No time to sleep. Eat and zhao liao.

Busy busy day today. Got an email after reaching hall which requested for me to call my LAWR tutor and arrange a meeting before Sunday. Damn. I am so dead. Monday nowhere to hide face.. And still gotta do TORTS now!

After my blog. Ugh.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

The One with the Catching Up


I'm trying to catch up on my posts. I realised I'm super lazy and don't usually post on weekends. Haha. That's cause I'm always home late.. And never use the computer to update my blogs. But then again. Who reads my blogs?

Sat was as nice day. Woke up giddy and all hangoverish from the night before. At 10am. Ugh. That's early. Reached home at about 11am. Went straight out to ship my ebay items. Cheap surface mail. $10USD covers a single figure with $2 extra summore. Happy. :) Had miserable lunch. Bought Angel Heart 10 (Shit! Left it at home..) and almost helped out a lunatic with some StarHub problem.

Well, it was like this. I was sitting at the void deck waiting for my mum ta call me after she's done cleaning up all the concrete dust (thanks to the FUCKING HDB, drill concrete without warning. Make all my fucking bags covered in concrete dust. Slippers, shoes and toys outside ALL COVERED in your FUCKING LIFT LOBBY CONCRETE DUST. I hope you're FUCKING HAPPY YOU FUCKING HDB people. If I could sue I would.) when this middle aged guy came up. Asked me to call 100 and ask for Starhub's address at Albert Complex.

I mean fine. I don't even need you to pay me back. But this guy was weird. He told me he had mental disorder which I was like. Ok fine. How can I help you, Mr Nutty? And he went, 'my friend used my IC to register hp, then use already never pay. so starhub sent me a lawyer's letter. i need to bring my doctor's certification that i'm nuts to go to them and they will cancel it.' So I'm like, StarHub doesn't have an outlet or branch in Albert Complex. He then said it was the firm that he was referring to. I said '100 is useless without the name of the firm. which you had said you misplaced. why don't you go to tampines mall, they have a starhub, use your ic, let them check your account status and let them advise you on which firm you're supposed to go to?'

And obviously being a mental nutcase, this fucker just went like 'no no no.. pollice will catch me..' and 'i will go to xxx and settle this..' I was fast losing my temper. Luckily, his friends came. And I advised his friend what I told him. And hoped that he could tell his nutty friend what I meant. His friend tried. But the guy was really stupid. So. I fucked off.

Went home and had a good sleep and dinner. Gf asked me out for supper. But can't go. Coz I have to be out early the next morning.

Am I paying too little attention to her?

The One with the ODP


The last post stopped when I rushed off for Operation Dead Penguin (ODP). Well. It isn't much. It's just a funny codeword for Operation Drunken Party. Where we basically get people together and get drunk. It was a funny day cumulating up till drunken party.

As I headed home to await Jackson's pickup for ODP, we made a pit stop at NTUC where my brother had to buy some cookie dough thingy to make shit. Apparently one of the upcoming episodes features an actor eating shit. So they were going to make nice yummy brownie shit. (I always thought brownies looked like shit) Anyway, we were discussing the interesting subject called sponsership (He did call me up a few days ago and asked me where they sold Ultraman toys). Apparently he had headed down to Clark Quay to seek for sponsership for some Ultraman display for the show. But well. The level one anime shop didn't want the free publicity on a MediCorp show. But upstairs Ng's Collection (or is it Collectibles?) was damn nice. Very shuang kwai and juz ta pau'd the figures he needed for him. That is called SHUANG KWAI. We need more of such people. And less narrow minded bitches. Now that was for MediaCorp. If only I can find sponsers for Re[pro]..

Anyway. Got home a wee bit later than expected. Sorry to Jackson for waiting for me.. But we headed down to fetch Melissa. Whom was late. Ha. Picked up Castle Greyskull and Strawberry Shortcake shit from my room whilst Jackson went to change to specs and we headed back to PGP to pick her up again. Finally successful. Went on our 'Jackson & Zhiyou go to KFC' hunt. Sadly, Bukit TImah Plaza closed early. It was just gonna be a simple drive over from Bukit Timah Plaza to Colleen's place. But it was made interesting by Melissa's awesome display of arm strength. When she SLAMMED the door shut, I swore I heard breaking pieces of .. something. Cracking and breaking. So bad that I asked her to open and check the door. It SEEMED fine. But after moving off, the window started dropping down. Hmm.

So we pulled over at the nearby gas station and checked. Quite jia lat. Window really gone case. Melissa kept whining she was sorry. Over and over again. It was kinda funny. Luckily it's not my car. Or I'd being 'hopping' mad. (Inserted a Hoppy joke!) We just grabbed some drinks and moved off. Ordered KFC on the way. Asked for Thighs and Drumstick. They actually dared to slip in a Wing. The bastards. But we didn't know that till much later.

So we got to Colleen's place, Melanie arrived soon after. Since we had a decent crowd, I started screening "SHUAN OF THE DEAD". As I feared, the first half hour was confusing to them. Though it contained some of the most brilliant jokes I've ever seen. Sigh. Had to forward to the zombies. I think it was partly cause they couldn't really hear the dialog. Must rectify that at the next screening in E Block with disclaimer.

After the show, we started off with Jack Daniel's and Coke. Which. I didn't really like. Haha. Preferred it straight.. and we started the silly Uno stacko game. Went only one round.. Uno with a twist! Then followed by Indian Poker and Spin the Bottle.. All the while, Melissa was like drinkning non stop and taking shot after shot after shot. No wonder she was totally red by the time April and Ziliang came.

--Due to policy considerations. The Blog admin has decided to censor certain details in the blog--

By 5:30am, almost everyone knock out liao.. I had to force myself to puke 3 times until I felt the bile then I could sleep.

Did I mention I hated drinking?

Friday, October 08, 2004

The One with the Ouch

I am really quite unfit. And quite a pig too. Woke up late and like had lunch at 2pm. Then everything was a blur up till 3:40pm. That was when I actually started work. Re-edited my client's letter. Apparently my 'facts' were misleading. Ya right. So I dumped in alot more information but I think it's the same in the end. Still bitter about my closed memo. C++. Just give me a B- la. Kaoz. Make me so sad.. sigh.

Well, after uploading the client's letter, had ta rush off for basketball trials. Think today more fun. But apparently I didn't get to touch much of the ball. Hmm. Oh well. I pretty much suck as compared to the other school team players. What to do. Army slack. Body slack. Not responsive. Amazingly, I managed to twist my left ankle this time round. Now what are the odds of that.. hmmm.

Too bad Jo can't come back with me. Think she'll be disappointed. But think of it this way. If you really wanted to watch webcast, it'll take 2hrs. And I'd have left by bus anyway. Can't afford to be late for Operation Dead Penguin (today!).

Grabbing a lift home and later getting a lift to colleen's place from Jackson. Did I leave out anything? Hmm. Oh yah. Didn't manage to watch Singapore Idol Live yesterday. And I managed to get FF4 Variant boxed set at $135. Superb markup. Also managed to call Sengkang to reserve ML8 and ML9. Think that I'll be able to get something. I hope.

Will be bringing Contract back to mug. Tomorrow will be shipping parcels day. Argh.

Sunday will be going to Gilson's place for a swim. Hmm.

I hope there's nothing to buy this weekend. I've got Unmasked Wolverine on snipe. Auctionsniper is really not bad. Highly recommended. Heh. Oh yah.

Getting my phasing vision on Sunday! Wahoo. Another step closer.

Make mine. Marvel (Legends).

Home for the weekend!

The One with the FF4 Variant Box Set

Got news during an otherwise boring and sleepy Torts tutorial today that the FF4 Variant boxset was out at Sengkang. Metro Sengkang. The new place where collectors are flocking to, to get their variants at retail. Not surprisingly, me being more learned in such a situation immdiately messaged back to ask the guy to reserve 2 sets for me. But I don't know if it was just me, or did he not understand. I wanted 2 sets. One to open and play and subesequently put into custom elektra - sue storm packaging as well my dr doom and torch opened packaging. The guy said that Spawnasia was cheaper. Asked me to head down to check. Basically refusing to help me make a simple 10 cent phone call. By the time around 1hr plus later when I got confirmation that there were no variants at Spawnasia, it was too late. My only chance at the FF4 variant box set was gone. I was pretty pissed. But could only blame myself for not leaving my class to make a phone call. Or to call between lessons. I had 2 minutes of break. But the fucker at Sengkang refused to answer the phone. Irritating sia. Due to all these DUMB factors. I shall have to source for it on the secondary market for $100. Thanks very fucking much. Not being able to use it to do custom packaging isn't that bad if I have ONE. But I have NONE.


Update on my Phasing Vision trade. I've offered Goliath Series 4, Giant Man with Ant man and Wasp, Hobgoblin and $65 in exchange for a Phasing Vision and a Goliath Series 7. I roughly make out that I'm paying $100 for Phasing Vision and exchanging the Goliath 1:1. Sad. Devaluation. But I NEED IT.

This makes me one step closer to completing my Marvel Legends Series. Now I've just got Unmasked Wolverine Series 3 left. Currently there's one on ebay. I intend to win that. :) On a lighter note. I am seriously considering getting single carded figures for Series 6. If so, I will probably sell off my Series 6. I'm already going to pay $50 for 3 figures. I estimate myself paying $25, $20 and $10 USD for Phoenix, Deadpool and Juggernaut respectively. (USD) And maybe $50USD for Phonenix chase. Followed by $15USD for Cable chase. Total $120USD. Which is like. $200. Fuck. Abit not worth it. Better take it slowly.

Went straight to eusoff after lesson to get Joann to go clark quay. Why am I not surprised that I had to wait close to 1/2hr for her? Especially after finding her sleeping when I reached. Sigh..

Good thing was that I did go down to Spawnasia today. Disappointed abit la. No variants. Paid $39.90 for FF4 and $59.90 for Sinister 6. Then paid a further $59.90 for LOTR: Gates of Mordor. Quite bad. Decided AGAINST an additional $68 for Mazda RX8 white to open. This weekend I'm paying: $65, $50, $8. That's bad. Not making a profit. At all. Should start my auctions soon. Maybe I should call DBS bank tomorrow and ask about the paypal thing. I have like $90USD sitting there. Hmm.

Had a nice chicken rice dinner at Harbourfront the MRT there the hawker centre. Nice and cheap. $3.50 for chicken, rice, veggie and soup. Value meal sia. And met auntie Emily there. Nice to see her and pooh bear still together. Ha.. 30 and still going strong! You go auntie! Gf was feeling very jumpy today. Quite dangerous. 1) She might fall and disfigure her knee again 2) She might bang into me and disfigure my toys (which she did). But what to do. I'm not supposed to be angry. Suck it up.. suck it up..

Harbourfront was pretty boring. And sad that we were lugging the 3 box sets around. Or it'll be a tad more interesting. She wanted to go walk around and lang man lang man. (romantic) But seriously. How romantic can I get whilst I'm carrying my huge boxsets and walking around? I feel that I disappoint her sometimes. But she has a choice.. she chose a toy fan and well. This is what she gets la. When I'm not carrying stuff I'm better. Really. But subjected to certain conditions. 1) Don't whine at me too much. It'll turn me off 2) Repeat number one. Basically I find myself having a short tolerance for whiners. Not that I'm targetting her. But those in law also. Whiners. Turn me off. Real off.

So we had a nice dinner. After kai kai abit in Harbourfront (I wouldn't mind walking more, but was carrying stuff) I opted to be lazy and take cab. But cab queue damn long. No choice. Took bus. Took quite fast actually. But had to stand. So we got back to school. All's well. She fell asleep again whilst I was taking a bath. And she had to leave asap coz I had the Sheares Kent Ridge Mooncake Festival thingy on at 9. It was like 8:30. Right after she left, I went up to 7th floor. Still didn't know alot of the people. So it's was abit weird. But later they all came down to visit my room. So it was slightly better. At least today I didn't have to clean 20 dishes. I basically took a bath after that event and slacked. And made a call to Gilson to bitch about my FF4 Variant. Sigh.

Why's Toybiz doing this. I am so fucking pissed. And how can I get rid of the unwanted stuff I have at home?

And later gf is coming over for a sleepover. Will be a hot (not the pervertic kind, but the weather kind) night again.

Sleepy. Basketball trials at 5-7 tomorrow. Plus Operation Dead Penguin. Will I be sober enough to post?

Time will tell.

The One with E202's Open House

Bad start of the day yesterday. Only set one alarm the night before instead of the usual 3. So I basically slept, alarm ring, wake up. Press away, then slept. Until past lecture. Shit man. Contract lecture and I missed it. Pretty bad. Afterwards, SLS was pretty much a blur as I was damn hungry. Damn hungry. Had lunch.. then went to film the RETURN CONCERT. It was pretty good. But the camera was pretty bad. Battery ran out after 40min. Tape ran out after 1hr. Ridiculous. Mental note. Get adapter with extension cord. Get longer tapes.

After RETURN CONCERT, damn shack. Finally had a toy encounter. Or rather a lack of one. Arranged to pick up my Series 6 Unmasked Wolverine for $55 at 7-Eleven. Thing is. We both were waiting at the wrong 7-Eleven. Waited from 6:10pm to like 7:10pm before I got fed up (coz hp battery died cannot call) and went back hall to get spare battery. Good thing was that the guy was pretty nice. And we ended up talking cock and toys until like 9pm.

So I ended my toy escapade for the day and headed back just in time to help decorate the lights for the floor and subsequently help the chef Ron cook. Cooking was the easy part. Clearing up was bad. Washing the pot was difficult in such a small space.. damn. Then open house started at 10:30pm. Interesting note. Everybody liked their rooms and shelves empty. I like mine packed. And got my room picked as best male room in E block. Never thought of my room as best room. Just like it being cosy. That didn't end the day. The day ended with me cleaning 20 dirty dishes and a tray because nobody wanted to do it. Then subsequently doing torts. Until 3am. Argh.

New day, new post.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

The One with the 2:15am Reflection

It's 2:15am and all is good. Finished my Client's letter and shall be moving off to sleep soon. When I'm done with Torts tutorial tomorrow, i should be home free for this week! Operation Dead Penguin is coming up, Friday if I recall. Before that it'll be a busy week what with Singapore Idol filming on Thursday. Busy bee busy bee..

The day passed rather eventfully. I had a pretty good nap in the afternoon after my heavy lunch of Chicken Chop and Yung Tau Fu. Apparently my gf was piggish again and I had to deliver lunch. Hot day to do delivery. Sometimes I really pity the poor delivery people. But then again. Can only blame themselves for screwing up their own lives and having to resort to working for such low wages. (OooO.. touche..) My bad. Feeling cranky after doing my letter. Lemme see what we have to cover today.

Had a points system thingy meeting at the MPSH. Which went rather well I guess. Considering i was going for International Chess trials and ended up there and realised that there were better things to do (eg. Newsletter editor) and gets more points than to play bloody chess. Finished my SHUAN OF THE DEAD before and after the meeting. It was pretty funny. But took awhile to get off the ground though. Pretty worried that the people here won't be able to grasp the wonderful brit accents in the film. But well. We'll see. If they can appreciate the FULLY MONTY, I'm sure they'll appreciate this.

Gf got another scar again. What am I supposed to do? Be caring and spend the night in Eusoff? Sigh. Stressssssss when it comes to such stuff.

Enough bitching .. (man, blogs really does make one bitch) I shall be turning in now. Probably will be filming RETURN CONCERT tomorrow.. and have to also clean up or tidy me room abit for open house. 1030pm.. man.. don't people need to study? I've got my bloody torts tutorials to do.. ha..

Until tomorrow. I am still one sick dog.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

The One with LKY v. Globe

Was doing my SLS assignment a few days back when I discovered this interesting case: LKY v. Glove Mail & etc. Read about it in pdf format here:

Dunno if it's actually a download. But I dunno how to post links yet. So that's pretty much the max you can expect of me posting a link as of now.


Lee v. Globe and Mail (Nair v. Lee)

In March 1999, the Globe and Mail published an article about Singapore and its former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew. The article included an interview with the former head of Singapore's most powerful trade union, Devan Nair. Nair had also been President of Singapore from 1981 to 1985. Nair and Lee had once worked together, but became political rivals in the 1980's.

In the article, Nair alleged that, when he and Lee began disagreeing about how Lee was governing Singapore, he became the centre of a rumour-mongering campaign that falsely labelled him an alcoholic. He was forced to resign as President in 1985. The article also discussed the many libel actions Lee and other members of his government have brought against their critics.

Lee, who is still a minister in Singapore's government, sued the Globe and Mail and Nair for defamation, alleging that the article brought him into hatred, ridicule and contempt.

Nair countersued, seeking damages on the basis that Lee's lawsuit was an abuse of process. In turn, Lee brought a motion to have Nair's counterclaim thrown out of court. Lee argued that Nair's counterclaim disclosed no reasonable cause of action and constituted an inflammatory attack on the integrity of the government of Singapore.

In deciding whether to grant Lee's request to throw out the counterclaim, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice was not required to determine whether Nair's allegations were true; rather, the Court simply had to satisfy itself that Nair had a reasonable cause of action. Therefore, Nair was required to demonstrate that the two elements of the tort of abuse of process had been set out in his statement of claim. They are: (1) that Lee was using the court process for an improper purpose; and (2) that Lee had made an overt threat, separate from the proceedings themselves, in furtherance of his improper purpose.

With respect to the first part of the test, Nair claimed that Lee did not really care what the readers of the Globe and Mail thought of him. Rather, the real purpose of the lawsuit was to silence, not only Nair, but all of Lee's critics and opposition in Singapore, a country in which freedom of political expression is not as valued as it is in Canada. In this regard, Nair alleged, Lee's action was part of a pattern of using the libel process to silence his critics and opposition and was "a mere stalking horse intended to further foster and continue a climate of fear and intimidation".

On the second part of the test, Nair claimed that Lee's lawsuit was just the latest in a series of acts and threats designed to intimidate his critics. In this regard, Nair alleged that when he spoke out politically against the Lee government in the late 1980's, Lee attempted to silence him by tabling a white paper in Singapore's parliament which included extracts of a confidential nature from Nair's personal medical records and correspondence. Nair claimed that Lee also arranged to have his pension withheld. Nair eventually left Singapore and came to Canada, where he did not speak out again until interviewed by the Globe and Mail. He claimed that Lee's latest libel action, brought in the country in which he sought freedom from political threats and overt legal actions, was intended to be a threat which was on-going and pervasive.

The Ontario Superior Court of Justice refused to throw out Nair's counterclaim, holding that he had met both parts of the test necessary to plead the tort of abuse of process and had therefore disclosed a reasonable cause of action.


Wasn't that amazing? Heh. You'd trust the PAP to win only in Singapore. But enough about politics. Let's talk about my recent experience with shit.

Yup shit. Think it was yesterday morning when I woke up and went to toilet to find shit all over the cubicle. Toilet seat, floor and even the wall. Yup. Wall. Isn't that amazing? I have no idea how they did it. But the next time I see it, I'm taking a picture.

As I said yesterday, today is a pretty boring day. Only perk of the day was due to me getting my pirated DVD: SHUAN OF THE DEAD from Karwee. That's like $8 well spent. The trailer was hilarious. Those interested in seeing this gem should check out the trailer at:

After I watch the show at about 6+, then I'll post a blog on the review. Meanwhile. I am so going to catch a nap. Then. It'll be client's letter tonight. No rest for the wicked..

Beware of the sick cat.

The One with the First Post

i have so gotta sleep. It's not healthy to be sick and up past 12. It's not healthy to be sick, period. But then again. What to do. Reading after reading. Dunno whether I'll survive my bloody 4 years in university at all. We'll see how it goes.

Anyway, I'm pretty inspired by some blogs to actually start my own blogging. Granted this'll only be up on my sgcollect 'signature', but even then, i'll only put up the link after like 10-15 posts.. or else there's like too little content.

What I've read over the months from a few of my friend's blogs are like whiny posts and/or bitchy posts. Maybe blogs are really just here for us to ease our frustrations. I wouldn't know. Never blogged before. But I shall attempt to cover my highlights of the past week to kick start this virginal blog. (Ooo. Nice one)

Last week if I recall, was a pretty bad week. I was sick from Thursday onwards. Which was pretty bad. Fever, flu and subsequently cough. It dragged on till Friday, of which I went for Inter Hall Games (IHG) basket ball trials. So it's like a killer combination. Sports + Sick = Very Sick. And I was due to go Toys R Us for their 'Buy 3 get 1 Free' Star Card promotion. Dammit.

Anyways, Sat was the bad day. We had this Singapore Legal System (SLS) 24 hour examination (which got postponed due to our lecturer being away at Vietnam spending some time with the friendly natives) and the question was released at 10am. It was due on Sunday 10am. I woke up at like 9:50am. Went to toilet, brushed my teeth. Sat back and read the question. Did a search on all relevant fields on google (It's actually better than flipping my goddam SLS textbook) and came up with 20 relevant documents that I could peruse. It was 12 by then. So I grabbed 40 big winks and woke up at 4 to finish the paper. Ended up finishing at 1:30am and going home only then.

Sunday was a nice morning. Was. a. nice. morning. Until I had to drive all the way back to school to pick up my gf whom being piggish as usual, was still sleeping even after 2 wakeup calls by me. Very pissed. Wasted my time. But I waited. And I got SICKER by the minute. I think there should be this general rule that once we wait more than 1/2hr, the guy should be able to leave without fearing for what wraith they might potentially face. Or else why are we wasting our time? Damn, I'm starting to bitch.

So nevermind. Drove down to Clark Quay. Lost my way. Ended up in.. Hougang. Ridiculous, I know. But going by the CTE was never my forte. I knew I should have exited from Clemanceau Ave. Hai. So nevermind. Reach Clark Quay, saw the beautiful Spawn Series 26. $99. Dirt cheap. Wanted to buy 2 sets. But decided against it. Coz no space and well. I won't bear to open in the end. So no point. I decided. If they still had stock left next week (which I was sure they would coz there were STACKS on the floor) I would get another set so I could open my boxset. But. Mr V bought 20 sets later that afternoon. The LAST 20 sets. Thank you very fucking much.

Then again, I didn't know that till today. So after my purchase, I was still happy. Then I went to the cheap uncle's shop opposite SpawnAsia. Very nice Mazda RX8 they had there. The Transformers Binaltech 08 Red and White. He quoted $120. And I was happy. But since i allways bought from, and they have always given me a discount, I thought, why the hell not. Just go back and be a loyal customer ya? Dead fucking wrong. The bugger actually dared to quote me $135 after I overheard him quoting another customer $130. Nevermind. So expensive I go other place buy. But well. He lowered to $120. Then he quoted $135 for BT 07 (1&2) which I thought was the going rate. Until I paid for them and went next door and found them selling for $110. Hello. $20. Loyal customer. No more! Ridiculous. From now on, I'm browsing before I'm buying. My $120 will go to whomever can give me the most change. So too bad I actually liked you guys. Sigh.

Later headed over the Chinatown for lunch. I was lucky. Managed to find a parking lot easily. Then had some food at the hawker centre and went over to Toys Hub. They have a pretty good stocking of the new AOME Fell Beast. Pretty decent pricing too (though I'm still sore over Wings of Redemption Spawn @ $55!). Picked up my orders and decided to head to Hellstore for a look. On the way out, this fucking Mercedez gestured for me to turn left out of my parking lot even though me turning right was justifiable. As he was holding up traffic waiting for my lot. I tried to turn right, and he moved in to block me. I mean WHAT THE FUCK. You want my lot, you should give way to me. The fucking old auntie in the backseat didn't help matters with her gesturing of "why why you cannot turn left?" Why I cannot turn left? Because if I fucking turn left I'll be stuck in a traffic jam. After awhile, seeing the fucker won't budge, I turned left. And proceeded to get stuck in traffic. Wanted to scratch his car. But it too long just to reach it and I forgot by then.

Hellstore was closed. Nothing there. Dropped by Parkway for a badminton racket (cheapo Wilson $12.90) and some toiletries and some char siew sues. I forgot what they're called in english. I then proceeded to go home and had relatively little sleep but felt slightly better. Strong enough to drive back. But my sleep later at night wasn't too good.

When I got up this morning to go for lecture, the fever was like full blown. Couldn't move. Didn't help that the missus was in bed too and that didn't leave much space for me on the bed. Sick people should be entitled their own beds. So I didn't attend any lectures. Nor Tutorials. But I did manage to get a Miracleman statute and a $5 water thingy toy from Tenny today. If I had know he had girls with him, I wouldh've worn something more graceful. Somehow SISPEC shorts and NIKE tight singlet and ugly hair don't make an overall good impression with girls.. At least I did manage to see the doc later at Yusof Ishak Hall. I actually didn't know consultation and medication was free. And I got 2 days MC. Macham army sia. And it was nice the my gf accompanied me. But I think I'm taking up too much of her time. But I'll leave it up to her.

Studied Torts till now and will probably get to see Singapore Idol Live on Thursday. Missed Melissa's birthday at NYDC just now though. Thanks in part to her PGP germs. Only read up one page for SLS lecture tomorrow. Supreme Court. How not interesting. I foresee another msn mass chat. Think tomorrow will be a boring day... oh wait. I have International Chess IHG trials tomorrow. 8pm - 10pm. Ha.